Want a Successful Dating Life?

At Future Marriage University, we deliver practical, Biblical answers to your questions about sex, dating, and relationships so you can date with clarity, confidence, and courage on your journey to marriage.

Here's what this course offers

Many teens and young adults want to date, but fear heartbreak, rejection, and regret. While many others who are dating, do so while struggling with sexual brokenness, unrealistic expectations, and confusion. So Date Like You Know What You’re Doing is designed to guide you to date well!

  • 1-yr subscription to access 16 ten-minute video lessons and follow-up questions for individual or group study

  • Study designed for the book Date Like You Know What You're Doing: Your DatePrep Guide (books sold separately)

  • PDF group guide has extra activities & suggestions for facilitating a group.

Course curriculum

    1. Date Like You Know What You're Doing

    2. Do You Have a License to Date?

    1. Friends Don't Let Friends Date Dumb

    2. Top 5 Dumbest Reasons to Date

    1. Stranger Danger (Part 1)

    2. Stranger Danger (Part 2)

    1. 3 Dating Don'ts

    2. How to Whoops-Proof Your Dating Life

    1. Jump Into Friends-First Dating

    2. Dating 101

    1. How to Know You're Ready to Date

    2. Know God's Will for Your Dating Life

About this course

  • $159.99
  • 18 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content

Meet your guide

Michael Johnson

Dean of Dating, Future Marriage University

Since 2003, my wife, Julie, and I have been empowering wise individuals like you to grow spiritually and date wisely so they can marry well. Visit our website to learn more and purchase books!

Where many have failed, prepare to succeed!